Hand-Write Notes

Demo Font (示範字體)

(演算法) is means algorithm #

(演算法) is means algorithm #

(演算法) is means algorithm #

(演算法) is means algorithm #

(演算法) is means algorithm #

(演算法) is means algorithm #

(演算法) is means algorithm #

(演算法) is means algorithm #1

(演算法) is means algorithm #

(演算法) is means algorithm #

(演算法) is means algorithm #

(演算法) is means algorithm #

(演算法) is means algorithm #

(演算法) is means algorithm #

Demo CodePad (示範)

Python CodePad

Normal CodePad

Notes Pad

Import CodePad


# Comprehension Notes Function 1 letters = ['a', 'b', ' ', 'd', 'e', ' ', 'g'] test_letter = 'a' # True test_letter = 'c' # False if any(test_letter == item for item in letters): print(True) else: print(False) # Comprehension Notes Function 2 a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] if all(any(i == item for item in b) for i in a): print("All elements are equal") else: print("Elements are not equal") # Example Function (Check Vocabulary Frequency) 3 def Vocabulary_Frequency(Paragraph=None): if Paragraph != None: key = sorted((text.strip('.')).lower().split()) value = [0]*len(key) frequency = dict(zip(key, value)) for text in key: frequency[text] += 1 print(frequency) # return frequency else: raise ValueError


// JavaScript () async function transformClipboardContent(clipboardContentString) { const words = clipboardContentString.split(' '); const transformedWords = words.map((word) => { // Check if word is in upper case if (word === word.toUpperCase()) { return word.toLowerCase(); } // Check if word is in lower case if (word === word.toLowerCase()) { return word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1); } // Check if word is in title case if (word.charAt(0) === word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() && word.slice(1) === word.slice(1).toLowerCase()) { return word.toUpperCase(); } // Return the original word if it doesn't match any of the above cases return word; }); return transformedWords.join(' '); }

Notes Pad

- What is Time of Value? For example: ............. # Highlight highlight : $highlight 黃色$ >-add $ ~~~ $ highlight-red : $$highlight 紅色$$ >-add $$ ~~~ $$ highlight-ogange : $$$highlight 燈色$$$ >-add $$$ ~~~ $$$ # Symbol left-return : -> like that>- add [-][>] right-return : <- like that>- add [<][-] equilibrium symbol : <->like that>- add [<][-][>] # Color Word color (Main Type) : @blue 藍色@ [@]***[@] color (Main Type) : @@red 紅色@@ [@@]***[@@] color (Main Type) : @@@purple 紫色@@@ [@@@]***[@@@] color (Comment Type) : #orange 燈色# [#]***[#] color (Comment Type) : ##pink 粉紅色## [##]***[##] color (Comment Type) : ###solid purple 淡紫色### [###]***[###]

Notes Pad (import file)

Demo Display Method


Point Form

Long Parapraph

Label tag


Context - It can add any things in here

內容 - 可以在這裡添加任何東西

Point Form

Point Style (point)


The text-decoration shorthand CSS property sets the appearance of decorative lines on text. It is a shorthand for text-decoration-line

text-decoration 速記 CSS 屬性設定文字上裝飾線的外觀。 它是 text-decoration-line 的簡寫

Label tag

Dual Display Section


Lower Memory requiry


Linked List

輕鬆修改 (更大->靈活性)

More Element - More Memory

Hand-Write Notes
For example: ............. # Highlight highlight : $highlight 黃色$ >- $$~~~$$ highlight-red : $$highlight 紅色$$ >- $$$$~~~$$$$ highlight-ogange : $$$highlight 燈色$$$ >- $$$$$$~~~$$$$$$ # Color Word color (Main Type) : @blue 藍色@ @@***@@ color (Main Type) : @@red 紅色@@ @@@@***@@@@ color (Main Type) : @@@purple 紫色@@@ @@@@@@***@@@@@@ color (Comment Type) : #orange 燈色# ##***## color (Comment Type) : ##pink 粉紅色## ####***#### color (Comment Type) : ###solid purple 淡紫色### ######***###### # Symbol left-return : -> like that>- add [-][>] right-return : <- like that>- add [<][-] equilibrium symbol : <->like that>- add [<][-][>] # number 123 # Point form # Handwrite display ^Handwrite^ This is a Page that displaying the notes | 這是一個顯示筆記的頁面 # Formal display This is a Page that displaying the notes 這是一個顯示筆記的頁面 - For example 1 - - For example 2
Operation Manual S.O.P

Demo CodePad (示範)

Python CodePad

Normal CodePad

Notes Pad

Notes Pad

- What is Time of Value? For example: .............